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Large Scale Rallies Calling to Impeach Moon Jae-in on the Liberation Day in South Korea

                                                                                                     2019-8-16, Tara O

August 15, 2019 marked the 74th anniversary of Liberation Day in Korea and the 71st anniversary of the birth of the Republic of Korea.  Massive flag rallies occurred in central Seoul, including Seoul Station, City Hall Plaza, Daehanmun, and the outer ring of Gwanghwamun Plaza, South Korea.  People held South Korean flags (Taegukgi), the U.S. flags (Seongjogi), and the Israeli flags. Many called for Moon Jae-in to step down; some went further to demand Moon’s impeachment or drive him out from the office.  Major media, such as SBS and MBC, did not cover the rallies. KBS briefly mentioned that “the citizens who opposed the current administration confronted with candlelight (anti-Japan) citizens,” while covering the anti-Japan demonstrations, and drastically under reported the number of those who oppose Moon Jae-in as “3,000.”

Foreign media, meanwhile said there were massive anti-Japananti-Abe demonstrations, but either they mistook the flag rallies as anti-Japan, or they covered only the anti-Japan demonstrations, which were relatively small and not related to the flag demonstrations.  In fact, many flag rally supporters have been criticizing the Moon administration’s incitement of anti-Japan sentiment, which exacerbates South Korea’s economic and security situation.

It was a rainy day, but the flag (or Taegukgi) crowd still showed en mass.  Below are some photos.

Despite rain, the crowd gathers on 2019-8-15, Seoul
The placards:  “Drive Out Moon Jae-in,” 2019-8-15, Seoul
The banner:  “The Gathering of Catholics to Defend the Republic of Korea,” 2019-8-15, Seoul
The stage background:  “Impeach Moon Jae-in,” 2019-8-15, Seoul
The flag crowd gathers despite the rain, 2019-8-15, Seoul
The flag crowd gathers on 2019-8-15, Seoul